outsourcedoctorbilling - The Journal 2024-07-11T10:15:29-06:00 outsourcedoctorbilling 2024-04-21T11:30:00-06:00 2024-04-25T11:28:27-06:00 11 Tips to Descend Better and Faster Dianna McGhinnis Like any skill, the best way to become better at something is to really work on it. Ask someone that is good at descending to ride with you – follow that wheel while descending. You can learn a lot of things that way.


]]> 2024-01-08T17:00:00-07:00 2024-04-25T16:38:46-06:00 8 Tips for Riding a Road Bike on Dirt Dianna McGhinnis More

]]> 2023-09-07T13:30:00-06:00 2024-05-01T15:33:40-06:00 8 Tips for Riding in Wet Conditions Brent O'Brien More

Wet roads present a whole host of possible dangers for cyclists. If you watch the Giro d'Italia or Tour de France, you’ll see even the best bike handlers in the world crashing out in the rain.

While it is impossible to eliminate all the risks associated with riding in the rain, there are tips and techniques that will help keep the rubber on the road.

Here’s just a few:

1. “Pump” Your Brakes 

As you approach a stop give your brake lever a couple light pumps. This will squeegee the water from the rim and make the pads more efficient even if they’re still damp. When executing, make sure to use a light touch and start with the rear brake before doing the same with the front. Of course if you have disc brakes you can forego this!

2. Shift Your Weight 

If you typically ride in dry conditions, you probably give little thought to your body position when stopping. But in wet conditions it is imperative to shift your weight back to maximize rear wheel traction. As you approach a stop, slide back on your saddle. For emergency stops get out of the saddle and push your hips back over the rear wheel.

3. Pedal While Stopping 

If you continue to pedal while braking, your rear wheel will be far less likely to lock up and skid. The pedaling keeps the tire spinning even when significant brake pressure is applied. This might seems awkward the first time you try it, so you might want to practice on dry roads until you get the hang of it.

4. Steer, Don’t Lean 

Avoid leaning into corners and focus more on turning the front wheel through the curve. This will keep your bike more upright and result in more downward force on the tires. And of course, take corners a little slower!

5. Brake Before The Turn

Probably the worst thing you can do in wet conditions is brake in a corner. You’ll lose complete control and exponentially increase your chances of going down. Instead, brake early and release before actually making your turn, while also pedaling through the corner. If you truly need to brake in a turn, use only the rear lever—applying pressure evenly and releasing quickly. And don’t stop pedaling.

6. Everything Gets Slippery 

Road surfaces are especially slick when it first starts to rain as oil and other gunk is washed up. For a cyclist, this super slick condition will last a whole lot longer than it does for people driving cars. Make sure to watch out for oily looking patches or puddles, as attempting to turn or stop in one could be very hazardous. Similarly, a build up of wet, fallen leaves, steel street plates, wood or metal bridge decking, manhole covers and painted road markings are all going to be things to traverse with caution.

7. Don’t Bomb Through Puddles

When we were kids we loved the rain for the puddles! But, as a cyclist you should always avoid puddles. What might appear to be something fun to splash through could actually be a foot deep pothole or a sewer grate just waiting to grab your front wheel. Stay away from puddles and you’ll significantly reduce your chances of a pinch flat, broken rim or a trip over the handlebars.

(Do we need to say that it’s not a good idea to ride holding an umbrella?)

8. Right Hand On Bars

We’ve mentioned it above: braking when it’s wet should primarily be with your rear brake. You are far less likely to skid out or crash when engaging the rear brake than you are when you utilize your front brake—even if you lock the rear wheel. That means you should always keep your right hand on the bars and ready to brake, and use your left hand to reach for a water bottle or rummage around in a pocket. 

Hopefully these tips will help you to stay safe and actually enjoy a ride in the rain. 

About the Author

Tony KelseyTony Kelsey has 20 years marketing experience, previously serving as global vice president of creative for an international, €1B IT solutions consultancy. Although a self-proclaimed “mediocre” racer in high school, his intense passion for cycling and bicycles in general has never waned. Today he is marketing VP at outsourcedoctorbilling and frequently writes about cycling as a sport and hobby. @tonykelsey

]]> 2022-08-09T16:30:00-06:00 2024-05-01T16:21:30-06:00 10 Tips for Increasing Cycling Efficiency Brent O'Brien More

Have you ever heard the saying “it is not always the strongest racer that wins”?

This is definitely true and whether you are an aspiring racer or recreational cyclist just looking to improve your fitness.

There are 2 major components to the above statement.

The first addresses your ability as a cyclist to become as efficient as possible on the bike. Yes, watts and power are important. But even more important is speed and efficiency. If you want to get better, you must keep in mind the end goal- to be faster than everyone else when it counts. For example if you are time trialing against someone else your exact size but you are generating more watts, will you win? Not necessarily. The other rider could be more efficient, and thus has to generate less power to be faster than you. There are many ways to increase efficiency on the bike such as: developing proper form and technique, (including a smooth pedal stroke), refining position and aerodynamics without losing speed and/or power ( these are two separate factors not necessarily tied together). Remember, it is possible to generate more power and actually go slower. Therefore, a cyclist must work to find the optimum balance between generating power and efficiency.

The second component addresses your mental ability on the bike. Do not underestimate this one. Even if you never desire to enter a competitive situation, you can still benefit from using mental strategy. You need to become adept at reading your own body and others while riding, always know where you can conserve energy, where you should expend energy for the greatest result, and if necessary how to take advantage of other riders and their strengths and weaknesses. This topic is best covered with athletes individually. I could write pages on the topic but the best learning comes from experience and conversations with your coach.

General tips on form to increase efficiency on the bike:

  1. Anytime you are training inside, always use a mirror. Watch yourself; analyze your form while riding at different intensities. Always look for ways to improve your form on the bike.

  2. Never bounce in the saddle. The goal is to be supple and smooth while able to spin comfortably at cadences ranging from 90-125+ rpms.

  3. Do not lock elbows; always keep at least a slight bend. Relax and drop your shoulders.

  4. Think about the entire pedal stroke. Push down, scrape the mud off the bottom of your shoes, pull up, and kick over the top. Put it all together.

  5. Look through the tops of your eyes; keep your head tucked down.

  6. Keep your hips square, no rocking side to side. Think of your hips as your main axis, keep them level and quiet.

  7. Use diaphragmatic breathing. Deep breath in, let your abdomen relax and expand. Exhale and squeeze all of the air from your lungs, contract abdominal muscles.

  8. Relax! Learn to release the tension from your upper body, jaw, face, etc. Work on eliminating/reducing wasted energy throughout your body.

  9. Keep knees from drifting out while pedaling. Some riders pedal with knees even turning in slightly- this is very individual, but minimally keep knees from pointing outward.

  10. Change hand positions frequently and be comfortable in all of them. Learn how your position changes by moving your hands on the bars. Flatten your back as much as possible without losing form or power. This will take time to develop and realize.
]]> 2019-03-29T12:38:00-06:00 2024-05-01T16:04:54-06:00 6 Tips to Take Your Cycling Fitness from Indoors to Outside Dianna McGhinnis Once winter retreats enough to thaw out the bike lanes in your neighborhood, hordes of people will take to the streets again to breath in the fresh air and feel the wind in their face. Here are some tips to ease this transition and keep you upright and rubber side down.


As excited as you may be, there are a few things to keep in mind once you're back on the road

By: Jennifer Sharp

Once winter retreats enough to thaw out the bike lanes in your neighborhood, hordes of people will take to the streets again to breath in the fresh air and feel the wind in their face. All of the fitness you gained while anchored to the trainer is more than ready to be showcased and what better way to test yourself than in a group ride? 

I'm sure I'm not the only one eager to reconnect with their cycling tribe - finally seeing them in person and getting a glimpse of what news jersey colors will fill the peloton. And as excited as you may be, there are a few things to keep in mind once you're back out on the roads that will keep you and the group safe.

Below are some tips to ease this transition and keep you upright and rubber side down. 

  1. Dial in your equipment.

    Tires pumped, chain lubed or waxed, screws tightened on your headset, water bottle cages bolted down, etc. Paying close attention to details and addressing any issues with your bike now, can save you an Uber call when you're stranded later. Some additional things to check: tires for tread wear, brake pads and maybe replacing your bar tape if it's in bad shape. Remember - a clean and well cared for bike is a happy and fast bike.

  2. Bike handling practice.

    Spend a little extra time dialing in some bike handling practice in your driveway before you take to the streets. Familiarize yourself with how your bike moves in tight, slow turns, and looking over your shoulder. Get up and out of the saddle to reacquaint yourself with how your bike moves without the restraint of a trainer. Remember: look where you want to go not what's directly in front of you and anticipate what's going to be in your path. If you want to accelerate your acclimation back into a pack, recruit some friends and do some bike bumping and wheel touching drills and even some emergency bike braking drills. These simple drills train your brain and body not to overreact when an accidental contact happens. You'll know how your bike reacts to different brushings and how to position your body in order to steer clear of any over reactions.

  3. Rules of the road.

    Staying to the right goes without saying and so is knowing the rules of the road and sticking to them. Every state in the US has different rules, as do other parts of the world. (For those stateside, check out this handy link by The League of American Bicyclists). Being predictable is just as important within a group as it is for other motorists. I'm also a big fan of rear blinky lights to give drivers a second pause that could save your life due to increased visibility. 

  4. Group ride etiquette.

    Communication is key and pointing out hazards in the road is super important and helps avoid unnecessary crashes. The safest place to ride with others is either bar to bar or bar to hip. Protect your box (which extends the width of your handlebars to the tip of your front tire) and increase your odds of staying upright. Call out and point at upcoming turns, oncoming runners, potholes, and even passing cars to alert your fellow riders to potentially dangerous obstacles. 

  5. Clothing.

    90% of being fast is looking good, right? Get close fitting clothing that doesn't flap in the wind (loose jerseys = lost watts) tuck extra clothing tightly into pockets, etc. Bright clothing can help motorists see you. Awareness is key and saves lives!

  6. Have fun!

    A happy, relaxed mind is a steady and smooth one, especially in group settings. Loosen your jaw and use piano fingers on your bars if you're over gripping and tight. Position yourself on a side with an out - either towards the gutter or the opposite lane so if something were to happen, you'll have a little more wiggle room to work with.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


jen sharp - alp cycles coachingJennifer Sharp, a USA Cycling Level 1 Coach, started racing in 2004 as a means to fulfill her competitive itch. Previously a national level boxer, she grew tired of getting hit in the head and decided to pound the pedals instead. She bought a pink Kona road bike completing several recreational rides and found herself passing as many people as possible. Since then she has multiple podiums at elite track national championships, master track national championship titles and world cup finishes under her belt.

