outsourcedoctorbilling - Training Tips 2024-04-23T08:30:00-06:00 outsourcedoctorbilling 2015-12-21T08:00:00-07:00 2016-09-13T14:13:58-06:00 Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 3: Fitness & Training Brent O'Brien More

In part one and two of our Cyclo-Cross clinic we have looked at technique and equipment, in this edition we move to how you can adapt your body and fitness to handle and demands of this highly intensive racing discipline. For those people who are new to cross racing they will notice how demanding the effort is and how it can be a world away from the road and XC racing scene. In this edition we try and expand your knowledge on areas of performance you need to consider and particular sessions that will help your development.

What Are The Essential Elements To Cyclo-Cross Race Fitness?

Firstly, we need to identify areas of fitness key to develop to ensure you are race ready:

High FTP (Functional Threshold Power)

This is really your base line fitness and what you can build on with the other specific areas mentioned below. FTP is the intensity in which you can sustain for a prolonged period of time, normally a power you can sustain at an even level for around 45min to 1hr. This can vary greatly from person to person but this should be a priority in any initial building phases towards a peak of fitness for cross racing. A high FTP is as important in cross racing as it is for prolonged steady state efforts, i.e. riding up a 15km mountain or a time trial. It is an essential component of cross and with a race typically lasting around 1hr in duration a high FTP is crucial.

High “Variable” Power Ability

This will probably be the most noticeable and significant area of Cross racing which new people to the sport will find the most challenging and also the area where experienced riders spend time trying to improve. Cyclo Cross has very little sustained steady state efforts and with the added obstacles, corners, tight circuits and steep inclines you will be either ‘ON’ or ‘Off’ when it comes to the power you are pressing through the pedals. We have seen some power data from the Elite UCI riders we work with and on one occasion a rider produced 180 sprints of 600w for a duration lasting 10-15sec for each sprint. This will help you understand the demands which is required from your body to perform in a cross race.

The ability to have high variable power for a prolonged period of time i.e. the duration of a race, is more crucial than trying to hit a higher power on the ‘ON’ efforts for shorter periods. By this we mean it is better to complete repeated On/Off efforts for 1hr than doing a higher power On/Off efforts for 20min’s. Completing these variable power intensities at different torques and cadences are also an areas individuals need to focus in developing.

Front Loaded Efforts

Front loaded efforts means that you start with a very high intensity and then this initial effort gradually begins to tail off as you continue the race. This is the effort which every Cross rider needs to perform at the start of each race, as described in Part 1 of our coaching clinic, a good start will not win you a race but it will definitely lose you a race. Each start has a very intensive effort to begin with which requires you to perform a 30sec-1min MAX intensity but after this initial effort you will need to continue with a high intensity to hold position and keep the gains you made in that initial effort. The first 4-5min of a Cross race normally produces the highest peak powers for the total duration of the race so you need to be able to get out a big effort at the start but be able to continue with a high intensity which will see you continue with a solid performance.

Every Cross rider needs to practice the ability to recover from an initial high effort and not find themselves going backwards after the first minute of racing because they have failed to train their fitness levels to cope with this intensity.

women cyclo cross

Specific Training Sessions

With any discipline within cycling, the focus needs to be on the specifics and not just the volume of training. Don’t judge your quality of training by the hours you do but what you do within those hours and how productive they are towards your goal event. this is as much relevant in Cross as any other discipline.

Threshold With ‘Bursts’

This is completing sustained efforts which are at or just below your threshold pace but include a burst (sub maximal sprint) at regular intervals through the sustained effort. What this will achieve is maintaining your aerobic fitness (FTP) but help you handle the variable efforts which will be demanded during the race. The threshold effort either can vary depending on current fitness but we would suggest you ride at 90-95% of threshold power but include bursts which are not full out sprints for 10-15sec but efforts which are higher than your sustained effort. If using power a burst may be around 500-600w for the 10-15sec, this is slightly variable depending on current fitness. After each burst settle back down to threshold pace as quickly as possible.

Session example:
– 20min warm up
– 3x12min intervals
– Threshold intensity for 12min but include a burst every 3rd minute during this effort. A total of 4 ‘bursts’ within each 12min interval.
– 5-7min recovery between each interval.
– 10min cool down

Start Practices

As explained earlier in the article, starts are an essential area to concentrate on and one that can play a big part in your final performance and placing. One area which needs looked at is the process which you begin each interval in, when you look at Cross races the start usually takes in a time in which you will wait on the start line for 10min so you are starting to cool down and more than likely the weather will be cold. You will need to replicate the following intervals with this ethos so spending a few minutes of inactivity and going into each interval from static position will really help replicate the races. Remember in the first article we said how important it is to have your crank/pedal position the same and how your body leans into the start, we’ll incorporate this technique into each interval.

These intervals will be ‘Front Loaded’, try and develop your ability to make sustained efforts after an initial maximal effort. Ideally this should be completed on the Cross bike and on a loop that will be enough time to take in each interval length.

Session Example:
– 20-30min warm up
– 4x5min intervals

Do as (from a standing start):
– 1min of ‘MAX’ effort and develop into a 4min aerobic effort, preferably at or just slightly above your threshold effort.
– 5-7min recovery between efforts but include 2min of ‘standing/static movement’ before each interval as part of this recovery period.
– 10min cool down,

Skills Work at Race Pace

We talked in the first article about skills and the essential techniques needed to perform on race day, once you have honed your technique at an easy pace and feel confident to build you now have to complete them at race pace. It is vastly different going into an off camber corner or shouldering a bike with a heart rate of 180bpm than that of 130bpm, so let’s get working on this.

Ideally you would look at using a 10min loop that you can develop your own obstacles which might include some fast corners, dead turn and dismounting/mounting. This session is not so much about the exact intensity in which you hit each part but more about building the pace you can tackle each obstacle and build technique so you can take on these particular areas of racing at a faster pace and with more confidence. Look at doing 3 to 4 10min loops. Which will see you tackle each loop at a high intensity and make sure you focus on the details of technique along with the intensity which you take during the loop.

Over Under Efforts

This is a classic workout which should be prioritized by most Cyclo Cross riders and it will play a big part in your overall fitness come race day. In this session we look at going over your threshold intensity by doing an anaerobic effort which will result in you accumulating lots of lactate and then recovering for a short enough period to not allow a full recovery. Typically we look at doing 15sec ‘on’ and then 15sec ‘off’ for a set period of time. The 15sec on should be just below maximal intensity which you might sustain for one off 15sec sprint but higher than the intensity of the ‘bursts’ we talk about in the first session. The ‘Off’ should be full rest/easy spinning at low intensity. This session is best completed either indoors or on the road where you can control the effort more easy, if doing this session indoor look at Dig Deep Coaching’s tailored CycloX indoor training video designed by Dig Deep Coaching and delivered by The Sufferfest which you can use to replicate this session.

Session example:
-20min warm up
– 3x8min intervals (build this to 3x10min and onto 4x10min over a period of 3-4 weeks)

Do as:
– 15sec ‘Sprint’  15sec ‘recovery’ and repeat until the 8min is completed.
– 10min rest between each interval
– 10min cool down

Hopefully this 3 piece Cyclo Cross clinic will help you enhance and enjoy this fantastic discipline and see you develop in future races. The team at Dig Deep Coaching would love to hear about your progress.


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Dig Deep Coaching provides unrivalled complete coaching solutions from specific coaching packages to an array of sports professional services. includes sports massage, sports nutrition, performance testing, powermeter rental, professional RETUL bike fit and more!

Visit for more information.

outsourcedoctorbilling is proud to partner with Dig Deep Coaching in Belfast to bring premium cycling apparel to the UK and Ireland.

]]> 2015-12-18T08:00:00-07:00 2016-09-13T14:13:27-06:00 Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 2: Equipment Brent O'Brien More

In part one of the cyclo-cross essentials series we talked about the various techniques needed to race cyclo-cross. In part two we are going to talk about equipment choice, everything from tire pressure, specific tire choice, brakes, bike set up and even the importance of having two bikes. The correct equipment and especially tire choice can literally make or break a race.

Tire Pressure

Rider Weight: Tire pressure really comes down to rider weight. A heavier rider will need more pressure than a lighter rider to get the same feeling from the tire.

Tubular or Clincher: Pressure depends if you are running tubular or clinchers. With a tubular you can generally run a much lower pressure which will aid grip without having the fear of getting a pinch puncture like you would with a clincher.

Course Obstacles: If there are lost of curbs, rocks or roots then the tires need to be harder to minimize pinch flats.

Conditions: Most people generally ride with their tires too hard. You need to feel the tires squash and bite looking for traction in the corners. As conditions get slippery and muddier pressures need to be lowered to maintain grip levels. Even in fast dry conditions, not going too hard is crucial. When the ground is hard, too high a tire pressure can lead you bouncing your way round the course. Every time the tire leaves the ground you are losing grip and drive.

Level of Experience: Experience will enable you to know what pressure is too low. You need to practice riding at low pressures especially at race pace. If you feel the tire folding rather than holding shape and using the tread to grip then you have gone too low.

Tire Choice

Course Conditions: Tire choice comes down to the course conditions and what you have available.

File Tread: Really fast treat used for sand races and grassy courses where grip levels are high. (Challenge XS, FMB sprint, Dugast Pipistrello).

Arrowed Tread: Used for grassy, slightly muddy conditions but generally grip levels are still high or you can ride a line where grip is still available on course. This tread is still fast in CX terms. (Challenge Griffo, FMB SSC, Dugast Typhoon).

Intermediate Tread: Fast in a straight line with better cornering or edge grip. For those courses where straight line grip isn’t key and you want to keep rolling resistance low but there might be a few off cambers or lots of corners where you need grip. (Challenge Baby Limus, FMB Slalom, Disgust pipisqualo).

Full Mud Tread: Generally slower but offering much higher levels of grip in slippery conditions and heavy mud. (Challenge Limus, FMB super buds, Dugast Rhino).

Skill Level: This determines how much grip you require. Generally you want to be using the fastest tread possible without compromise. This means not having to sacrifice corner speed or riding up a certain hill just so you feel fast down that one section of road. Remember you might be fine in the corners with a low heart rate at cruising speed but will that tread be OK with an 180BPM heart rate and a bit of added speed come the race.

Can Change: Don’t forget in a cross race you can change equipment if conditions are changing during the race. If needed don’t be afraid to change the tires you are using mid race, change bikes and get your pit crew to change your wheels. Also again the front and rear tires do not have to be the same. If you need a bit of extra grip in the corners but the course is generally fast, intermediate or mud front with arrowed rear setup is valid.



Pro’s and Con’s: A big debate over the last few years or so in cross has been Disc or Cantilever brakes. Certainly over the past 18 months disc brakes have become very popular. There are pro’s and con’s for both.

With discs overtime you hit the brakes the braking is the same, discs always give you powerful braking even in mud and sand. Cantilever brakes can be a little more hit and miss depending what is on the rim when you hit the brakes. Because of this in muddy or wet conditions you need to brake much earlier on cantilever brakes compared to what you would on disc brakes.

However disks are still heavier and there are some compatibility issues with certain wheel/frame options although these are fast becoming ironed out and more options are flooding onto the market. For people looking to upgrade bikes it does not make sense to go to discs now as it is soon becoming the standard.

Bike Setup

Comfort: Bike setup is very personal and a good bike fit will help but comfort is key as you have to ride across all surfaces.

Less Extreme: A cross setup is much less extreme than a road setup, seat to bar height drop won’t be as big on a cross bike. Set the levers a little higher so you are not so far forward over the front of the bike on downhills.

Balanced: You need to be balanced on the bike for cross, and sit more upright into corners without too much weight on the front wheel as this will cause you to washout. You need just enough weight to gain grip.

Durable: Equipment needs to be durable so that it lasts all conditions, don’t go for ultra-light equipment that will break but equally extremely heavy equipment will put you at a disadvantage so look for solid reliable equipment that’s not too heavy but will last.

Two Bikes: You are allowed 2 or more bikes in a cross so if you have them then make the most out of them. Even at a local race level, in muddy conditions you will benefit massively from changing to a fresh bike. Just make sure these are set up the same as it’s no use if your favor one bike over the other and because of it don’t want to change bikes as you feel at a disadvantage on your other bike.

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Dig Deep Coaching provides unrivalled complete coaching solutions from specific coaching packages to an array of sports professional services. includes sports massage, sports nutrition, performance testing, powermeter rental, professional RETUL bike fit and more!

Visit for more information.

outsourcedoctorbilling is proud to partner with Dig Deep Coaching in Belfast to bring premium cycling apparel to the UK and Ireland.

]]> 2015-12-14T08:00:00-07:00 2016-09-13T14:13:00-06:00 Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 1: Technique Brent O'Brien More

Cycle-Cross has become one of the fastest growing disciplines within the UK cycling scene and with the ever increasing amount of newbies taking this sport up it’s important to get to grips with the basics of cross racing.

The team at Dig Deep Coaching has spent many years learning, practicing and teaching the essentials of cyclo-cross. It’s a discipline which takes time to master but in this three part series we will cover all of the key areas which you need to learn and develop to become a better cross rider.

Cyclo-Cross is one of the most accessible forms of bike racing: it’s fun, frantic and, unlike a road race, no-one gets dropped. Instead the race is spread across the course and everyone is engaged in their own personal battle.

However, there are a number of key skills you need to master if you are to become a competitive cyclo-cross racer and in part one of this series we will run through a number of different techniques to crack including starts, dismounting and remounting, and when to shoulder the bike.

There are many key cyclo-cross skills which take time to master and one key theme you will notice runs throughout this article is practice. The old saying of ‘practice makes perfect’ is very true when it comes to cyclo-cross – it’s a discipline in which you never stop learning and there’s always something you can improve on.

Cyclo-Cross Starts

The start of a cyclo-cross race is a frantic affair, with riders charging off the line all at once and sprinting for the first corner. Having a good start may not win you a race but not having one can definitely lose you a race and there are four key things you need to consider when starting a race:

Look At The Start Area

Before the race, pay attention to the start ground and the type of terrain you are on. Normally this is a hard pack ground but you may need to position yourself in a way that allows you to get into that very important first corner in the best position possible.


Make sure you have practiced your start in a gear that you are comfortable with and that will propel you up the bunch before that critical first turn. Before the race, part of your warm-up should be to try some starts in different gears so you’re happy with your selection and don’t leave it to chance when you are on the start line. Adapt gearing for conditions and the surface, with the key being to find a powerful gear which you could get on top of quickly, without spinning out.

Crank Position

This is key to a good start. It’s important you have a sequence and routine to go through before every race which is honed in training and through practice. Crank position may differ from rider to rider but we would advise starting with your dominant leg and by having your crank angled at 2 or 3 o’clock, enabling you to get that downward force to kick off. Have your pedal positioned so you are comfortable with clipping in and not misfiring and slipping off the platform. Again practice makes perfect.

Body Position

Try and get into an aggressive stance. You need to be in a strong body position so you can get all that force through the pedal stoke to propel you through the bunch. Having your elbows out and leaned forward will again assist with this aggressive stance and help you take off better than most. Starting with your hands on the hoods will allow you to have your hands close to the brakes and close to your gears and give you the edge going into the first corner. Some people like to start in the saddle and some out; again this is a personal preference but make sure you find your best technique in training and stick to it in racing.

Dismounting and Remounting

Cyclo-cross race tracks are littered with obstacles, such as planks, banks and steps, which will normally require you to dismount the bike, before quickly remounting once the obstacle has been cleared.

This can be daunting for riders who are new to cyclo-cross but also something, that, once again, can be honed through practice if you want to maintain positions and avoid losing time on the leaders.


You will not develop this by doing it only on race day. Make dismounting and remounting a priority in training on – at least – a weekly basis. Rest days can be a great time to get the basic skills right but as you improve then look at honing your skills while in a fatigued state or with a high heart rate and this will replicate race conditions.

Hand Placement

When dismounting it’s important that you have your hands on the hoods. This will allow you to brake as you approach the obstacle you are dismounting for and it will also allow you to feather the brake again and fine-tune your speed as you prepare to step off. As one hand is on the hood the other hand should be on the top tube as this will allow you to get into a position to pick up the bike as quickly as possible when your feet hit the ground.

Step Off or Step Through?

For those of you who have watched cyclo-cross racing on television or in your local park, you may have noticed a few different techniques regarding dismounting, namely either ‘stepping off’ or ‘stepping through.’ Our advice is always to step off as it is more practical and is the preferred method of most elite riders.

This is undertaken by unclipping one foot, before swinging your leg behind you and around the back of the bike, then using this leg to hit the ground below you to start the run on. Just as this foot is about to hit the ground unclip your other foot in one quick, clean movement, with all of your weight on the bike so you hit the ground running. This technique is best for most situations and surfaces but practice is important to make it both safe, fast and injury-free.

Gear Selection

The most important thing about gear selection when dismounting is thinking ahead. You need to know what gear you will need when remounting. It is critical you choose the right gear so you are getting the power through the first pedal strokes after remounting to get you back to speed and so you don’t lose position.

Obstacles and Running

You will encounter a range of obstacles during a cyclo-cross race depending on the type of circuit,  terrain, surface and conditions. Planks, banks, crashes, mud and plenty more are a part of most cross races so be ready for them.

Basically, it’s best to dismount when a given obstacle is going to slow you down to such an extent that running is faster than cycling. If the mud is so deep that trying to pedal through it is too much effort for relatively little gain then running may be your best option. You will need to get used to running with your bike and making sure you do so in a manner that maintains momentum.


Hand placement can vary when remounting so practice different positions for different scenarios as you need to be able to adapt between races and conditions and be confident in your choice.

Try and make the remount as fluid as possible and avoid any double steps which will see you lose placing and momentum. Try and make it a single hop and slide onto the saddle with a quick insert into both of the pedals to begin the first powerful pedal strokes in the correct gear, helping you to get back up to race speed as quickly as possible.

When To Shoulder a Bike

We see a lot of riders dragging their bikes up hills or across muddy sections and that sees them both lose time and waste energy. In these scenarios you need to be shouldering the bike and getting into your stride as quickly as possible.

When you encounter steep banks, thick mud, stairs or tight hairpins, it could be time to jump off, shoulder the bike and run, so make sure you are confident in shouldering your bike in race conditions and at race pace.


Make sure the bike is secure with the top tube on your shoulder and avoid having your arms flapping around while the bike is up there. Keep one hand close to or on the handlebar, making sure it’s secure, while the other arm is free to swing and propel your body as you run.

If you’re running uphill then lean forward into the banking as it will help you maintain momentum and grip. Also, when shouldering a bike it can make you very wide and on a narrow section of the course. This will make it difficult for people to get past you – this is a good tactic to use and helps maintain position.


Cornering is key in a cyclo-cross race. You will come across many different types of corners in each race but each one needs to be mastered if you are to not only maintain position but also move up in the placings and leave the opposition behind. Here are some important things to think about when cornering.

Look At Where You Want To Go

Keep your eye on the apex and focus on the exit point. Don’t look at the spectators or stress as where your eyes are focusing on is where your bike will be directed to. Keep focused on the exit point and avoid any distractions.

Look For Traction

A key cycle-cross mantra is the ‘green is grip’ so keep an eye out for grass. This will help you keep any speed and traction you have going into the entrance of a corner. Avoid mud if possible.

As The Race Develops

The traditional ‘racing line’ isn’t always the best line in cycle-cross as traction is key. As the race progresses, the cornering lines will start to become more embedded in the surface so you need to get into the right line with the best amount of traction. Each corner will be different so keep a mental note to yourself as the race develops to know where to be in each corner.

Foot Out

Unclipping a foot out of a pedal on tricky corners is not a sign of weaknesses. Again, it’s a good technique to practice and can really help stabilize your bike on off-camber turns by putting the weight on the inside of your bike. It’s not necessarily slower to take a foot out so don’t be afraid to do so.

Keep Pedaling

You want to keep pedaling for as long as possible and avoid freewheeling. If you keep putting the power through the rear wheel then you will maintain more traction and stability in the corner. You need to be careful not to ground the pedal in the corner, of course, so choose when to pedal and when not to pedal carefully. For more experienced riders you can try the method of breaking while pedaling to keep the traction and have the ability to exit quickly out of the corner. This can be done to great effect on tight hairpins and allow you to get the jump on your competitors on the exit.

That’s it for now but in part two of this series, we’ll look at equipment choices and bike setup for cyclo-cross racing.

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Dig Deep Coaching provides unrivalled complete coaching solutions from specific coaching packages to an array of sports professional services. includes sports massage, sports nutrition, performance testing, powermeter rental, professional RETUL bike fit and more!

Visit for more information.

outsourcedoctorbilling is proud to partner with Dig Deep Coaching in Belfast to bring premium cycling apparel to the UK and Ireland.
